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Here you will find help and support information for using the:  Relay Tripping Curves PRO 2 software.

Relay Tripping Curves-PRO2 is a software that allows calculating the mathematical equations of the characteristic curves of the overcurrent protections according to the different standards of the main manufacturers of protection relays that exist in the market and representing these curves in a chart with a Log-Log scale in a friendly and simple way.
This software is born from the need to have at hand, at the level of engineers, technicians and engineering students, a simple tool when representing the characteristic curves of the settings of the ANSI 50/51 and ANSI 50N/51N functions of the protection relays, since it performs the calculations of all the mathematical equations and with it feeds the data for the graph of the curves, it can also represent the tripping data of a protection equipment and compare it with the setting curve, also make a report of the tests, which includes setting data, trip verification table and include an image of the tests, additionally with this software you can compare the selectivity between two curves and optimize it.

* Features:

  • Graph up to 30 curves of ANSI 50/51 and ANSI 50N/51N function settings.

  • View numerical calculations of the graphed curve and print the results.

  • Graph the protection relay trip points and compare with the setting inverse curve.

  • Activate a cursor to show the Amp and Time values ​​along a graphed curve.

  • Create a report that includes the relay data, the trip verification table, the curve graph and include images.

  • Calculate and optimize the selectivity between 2 graphed curves.

  • Make a report with the selectivity between 2 graphed curves.

  • Switch between secondary values ​​to primary values.

  • Change the scale of the Log-Log Chart.

  • Change the background color of the Log-Log Chart.

  • Graph curves at different voltage levels.

  • Change language: Spanish and English.

  • Customize the Logo of the reports (Optional).

Control Panel:


      Toolbar: Contains all the buttons necessary for the program to run, and is divided into three groups:


Graphic menu buttons:  This contains the buttons necessary to graph the curves in the Log-Log Chart, to go from Secondary values ​​to Primary values, to change the scale of the Log-Log Chart, to change the background color of the Log-Log Chart, to perform numerical calculations and to go to the window for calculating the selectivity between two curves.





Test menu buttons:  These buttons are used to graph the Current/Time points, to delete the graphed trip points, to activate the cursor to watch the Current/Time values ​​along the graphed curve and to go to the window to make a report.




General menu buttons:  With these buttons, the basic functions are performed, to save a graphed curve in the Log-Log Chart, to print the graphed curves, to change the language from English to Spanish, to go to the help for this application and to exit the program.


     Manufacturer Data: This MENU contains the options for the protection relay manufacturer to choose from and for which we want to represent the settings and graph its curve. When selecting one of these manufacturers, a mimic will be displayed that simulates the front screen of the protection relay.


If you select the SIEMENS option, 3 options will be displayed to choose from: SIPROTEC5, SIPROTEC4 and Reyrolle with their respective mimic of their front.


If you select the ABB option, 2 options will be displayed to choose from: REF Series and DPU2000 with their respective mimic of their front.


      Data module: This is where you enter all the settings data for the ANSI 50/51 or ANSI 50N/51N functions of the protection relay once the manufacturer has been chosen, that is, the data for the ANSI 51 Function: pickup current (Ip), Time Dial (TD) value, the curve standard to be used with its respective curve type is also chosen.

The data for the ANSI 50 function is also entered: instantaneous current (I>) with its time delay (TI>)

The nomenclature of this data will be as shown by the manufacturer on its protection device.


Here you also select the number of the relay to which its settings curves will be represented and enter its respective identification.


       Test points: In this menu, the values ​​of fault currents and trip times are entered, such as the current injection values ​​of a test case or the result of an event recorded by the protection relay.

These points are plotted on the inverse curve graphed on the Log-Log Chart, in this way it is checked if the protection equipment acts within the range of the curve. If any point falls within a range of 10% of the curve, this point will be placed in green, but if the point falls above or is less than 10% of the curve, the point will be placed in red.


Vn and Tc data box: in this menu you enter:

.- Values of the current transformer (CT) ratio when working with secondary values.

.- Operating voltage values of the protection equipment and the reference value with which the inverse curves will be plotted on the Log-Log plane (when working with primary values).

.- The equation of the curve is shown, according to the chosen standard


         Log-Log Chart: This screen shows the inverse curves of the selected protection relay, after entering the settings data ANSI 50/51 functions and clicking the button:


Trip points (fault current and trip time) are also shown, once the data has been entered in the "Test Points" menu and clicking in:


A cursor can be displayed on this screen to view the Amps and Time values ​​along the graphed curve.  To activate and / or deactivate this cursor,  click on the button:


The name of the protection relay to which the graphed curves belong is also identified, as well as the reference voltage of the Log-Log Chart in case of working with primary values.


Make a report:

Once we have graphed a curve and if necessary also the test points on the Log-Log Chart, we can make a report by clicking on the button:

This will display the following window:


Here we will find:


.- TEST RESULTS: This is a table with the results of the comparison between the test points and the graphed curve. Here, for each point, the following is indicated: the fault current injected with the relay tripping time, the theoretical time for the specific point of the fault current, the maximum tolerance and the % difference between the relay tripping time and the theoretical time, as well as the value of the fault current in primary values ​​and finally the test status.


.- INSTALLATION DATA, PROTECTION EQUIPMENT DATA and TEST EQUIPMENT DATA: Here, the relevant data of the Relay under study, its location, as well as the data of the equipment used for the tests are entered.


.- FAULT TYPE: Here, we select the type of fault we are testing.


.- NOTES: We can add some relevant comments.


.- By clicking on the IMAGE boxes we can select any image relevant to the test.

           Then, by clicking on:           the report is created which we can save in .PDF format:


Where, apart from the previous data, the protection relay setting values, the curve equation and of course the Log-Log Chart graph will be indicated.

Selectivity between two curves:

With this software we can calculate and improve the chronometric selectivity between two inverse curves, both for circuits at the same voltage level, and for circuits at different voltage levels.

Working with primary values, we select the reference voltage in which the "Downstream" protection relay curve will be represented in the Log-Log Chart, ( # Relay: 1 ) remember that for circuits with different voltage levels, the curves must be represented at the highest voltage level of the circuit, we also select the nominal voltage of the circuit where the "Downstream" protection relay operates.

                   Once we graph the "Downstream" Relay ( # Relay: 1 ), we click on             and the Selectivity module window will be displayed:


Selectivity Window, for circuits at the same voltage level

VentanaSelect_1 volts_EN.png

Selectivity window, for circuits at different voltage levels

VentanaSelect_2 volts_EN.png

In the Selectivity window we enter the value of the maximum fault current (ImaxF) referenced to the reference voltage of the Log-Log Chart


In the case of circuits with the same voltage level, this value will normally be the one of the instantaneous current setting ( I>), but for circuits with different voltage levels, this value must be calculated with the voltage transformation ratio [ I> * (Vn/Vref) ] or by positioning the cursor at the start of the instantaneous current in the graphed "Downstream" Relay curve.

               After entering the value of ImaxF, click on the button:               to calculate T1 @ ImaxF of the "Downstream" Relay.


Now we need to graph the curve of the "Upstream" Relay in order to calculate the T2 @ ImaxF and the ΔT, but first we must select the nominal voltage level of the circuit where the "Upstream" protection Relay operates ( # Relay: 2 ) and follow the same steps as the "Downstream" Relay was graphed ( # Relay: 1 ),   then in the Selectivity module by clicking  the " Calculate ΔT " button:              to calculate T2 @ ImaxF of the "Upstream" Relay and the ΔT​​​​​.


Here the value of ΔT is shown and it must be between 0.2 and 0.4 sec, otherwise this value will be shown in Red.

If we want to vary the value of ΔT of the curve of the "Upstream" protection relay (# Relay: 2) what we must do is vary the value of the Time Dial (TD) by graphing its curve again and following the last step.

        Then in the selectivity module, click on the button               to create the selectivity report that we can save in .PDF format:


For more information download the help guide:

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