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Software for graphing the setting curves of ANSI 50/51 functions of protection relays.


  • Graphs up to 20 adjustment curves of the ANSI 50/51 functions of the different protection relays.
  • View numerical calculations of the graphed curve and print the results.
  • Graph the protection relay trip points and compare with the fitted inverse curve.
  • Activates a cursor to indicate Amps and Time values along some graphed curve.
  • Create a report that includes the relay data, the trip verification table, and the curve graph.
  • Calculates and optimizes the selectivity between 2 graphed curves.
  • Switch to primary values, change the scale of the plane, and graph curves at different stress levels.

Relay Tripping Curves PRO2

SKU: 12052009RTC21
  • Report headers do not include the client's custom logo.

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